Sara Ibrahim Advocates & Legal Consultants

Intellectual Property

Protect Your Intellectual Rights

Our services include the search and evaluation of art production, transfer of property, dart distribution proxies, and the agreement and coordination of programme registration both inside and outside of the U.A.E


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strive to ensure that clients clearly understand

Our team strives to ensure that clients clearly understand the issues surrounding their intellectual property and its value as well as the legal mechanisms available to provide comprehensive protection, locally and within the GCC.

Intellectual property protection and enforcement concerning trademarks, patents, copyright, Designs, Trade secrets, etc. should shape the core of any business methodology.

In an increasingly globalized world, Intellectual Property gives a business an upper hand. Understanding that, a Proper Intellectual Property program empowers a business to distinguish significant rights and keeps contenders from getting an out of line advantage, and helps us protect our clients IP.

Well Versed In All Matters Of The Law

IP rights must be a key thought for any business. Knowing the subtleties of neighborhood laws in which a business works is basic in recognizing any vulnerabilities to IP possession. There is no single recipe to licensed innovation security and therefore we strategize to formulate the best IP policy for your innovation and business to offer you the best and this is what inks our names amongst the top law firms in Dubai.

Registration and protection of Intellectual Property ensures to provide a strategic edge to your business. An IP Strategy that balances registration and effective management of IP should be at the crux of your business.

The Ministry of Economy is the competent authority within the UAE for registration of Intellectual Property. UAE being a member of various international conventions and treaties including World Intellectual Property Organization (‘WIPO’), Patent Cooperation Treaty (‘the PCT’), Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (‘the TRIPS’) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (‘the GCC’), this enables various advantages which can be utilized when filing for an IP registration in the UAE or worldwide in UAE.

Different Intellectual Property Rights


Trademark registration is possible for your company’s name, logo, symbol, domain name, or any other feature that distinguishes your product or services from others. Successfully registered trademarks are valid for 10 years and can be renewed for further terms.

UAE provides trademark protection based on the principle of ‘First – to- file’ and thereby, any oppositions based on prior use are not highly likely to be entertained by the Ministry of Economy. It is, therefore, quintessential that you register and secure your trademarks on a first to file basis.

You can also choose to register your ‘trademark’ under the Gulf Cooperation Council (‘GCC). Certificates of trademark registration granted by the GCC Patent Office secure legal protection of the inventor’s rights in all GCC Member States of Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, State of Kuwait including the United Arab Emirates.


UAE provides patent protection for inventions which are globally novel, inventive and possess an industrial utility. Successfully registered Patents are provided with validity of 20 years and subject to renewal for further terms. With patents, it is important to complete a through prior art search to ensure that conflicts are not met with so that you do not loose out on the registration.

You can also choose to register the Patent under the Gulf Cooperation Council (‘GCC). Certificates of patents granted by the GCC Patent Office secures legal protection of the inventor’s rights in all GCC Member States of Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, State of Kuwait including the United Arab Emirates.


The intellectual property right of ‘Copyright’ is provided to protect original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture etc. Once granted the validity of the copyright is typically for the lifetime of creator and another fifty years following the creator’s death.


Design protection under IP laws is provided for industrial designs that constitute the ornamental aspect of an article. An industrial design may consist of a three dimensional features, that can be used in industry or “craft” or “any innovative creation of lines or colors that generates a product that can be used in industry or craft” which meets the novelty requirement. Once granted the validity of the design registration is typically for 10 years which can be renewed for further successive periods.

Knowing how Intellectual property laws are authorized in the UAE guarantees businesses determine the most incentive out of their protected innovation. Get an expert legal advice from the leading Intellectual Property Law Firm in UAE.